Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Preliminary Exercise

In the preliminary exercise I worked with Rohail and Manraj. Our Preliminary exercise was about the main protagonist  carrying out a task for his boss. The we used shots such as medium shots of the protagonist walking towards the door in order to create suspense. The tone in way the character talks also create a sense of an eerie atmosphere. We had positives and negatives. The positive's were was that as a group we all brought our ideas together in order to create this 33 second clip. Furthermore, when we got the camera we went straight to experiment with a variety of shots before actually filming them. As it our first time using a monopod that was our main piece of equipment during filming certain shots. For instance, the shot where I walk up to Manraj and our faces are more towards the left. In addition, we used a creative use of shots in order to make suspense for the character such as the close up of the characters shoes while walking down the stairs. Even though, this was a creative and good shot idea it was out of focus and wasn't steady at times. But during the conversation between the two characters there was a great use of focus which was perfectly directed. Our editing was of a good standard as well however, when I walked through the door there was a small jump during the shots. In addition, the sound quality wasn't that good. The wind was strong during the day we filmed therefore, it's picked up a lot during the clip. To avoid this we could have edited it by quietening down the sound. Moreover, to create tension during this clip we could of used music to contribute to it. Towards the end of the clip we had almost broke the 180 degree rule due to the fact I had moved out of shot. However, due to the fact that we had added a fade to black it's not very noticeable. From the positives and negatives we've learned as a group how to make our filming and editing stronger in order to receive a strong grade in our practical task.


  1. Mark: 4/10
    Grade: D
    WWW: You make good points about your film and the criticisms are valid.
    EBI: This is only 383 words which is below the minimum of 500. As a piece of media analysis, you need much more depth and detail, breaking individual shots down to explain the deeper meaning/explanation. For A Level written work, you need to be writing in well developed paragraphs - planned and organised.
    LR: List three things you will do differently when it comes to your main coursework having completed this preliminary exercise.

  2. LR - Learning Response
    - I would link apply the task to media theories such as the enigma codes
    - I would organise out the analysis properly by planning what i'll write in each paragraph
    - I would read over what I need to do properly so there are no errors made e.g. word limit
