Monday, 17 March 2014

ILL Manors - E Media

YouTube - Plan B UK Channel 

On Plan B's YouTube channel there were six videos dedicated to Ill Manors four of the six videos were videos promoting the title song for Plan B's movie including the actual video its self. The other two videos are ones that focus on Plan B such as the interview on BBC Radio One where he concentrated on the career of his music and how it correlates with the movie ILL Manors. The other video is of the Prodigy's remix of the ILL Manors track on Plan B's. In addition, other than Ill Manors there are videos of Plan B's own music there from his albums and singles.  The target audience of him music may want to follow his movie therefore, he had posted the music only of Ill Manors in order to attract them with the music used in the movie. Therefore, hopefully allowing them to view the movie too. On the page for Plan B UK it has links to his sound cloud, Facebook and twitter allowing people to access them and follow his career further on.

Instagram - Plan B

Ill Manors hasn't been used effectively and not as well compared to twitter and facebook in order to promote the movie. Furthermore, it's hard to find Plan B's actual instagram as we don't know what account is really his. In addition, from the research i has conducted not many has tags were used in the process to promote Ill Manors on instagram however, on twitter they were used due to the fact that twitter is well known to use hastags as such.

The photos above are from Plan B's instagram. The first photo is of one of the characters from Ill Manors throwing up. This image is a strong image due to the fact that it plays on the words 'ill manors'. It also further builds a 'hype' on the movie Ill Manors. We're able to witness this from the two screen shots as one of the screenshots is of Plan B preforming on BBC for the promotion of Ill Manors. In addition, the other screen shot is on set of Ill Manors. Whilst on set for Ill Manors this build up an hype for Ill Manors for his current target audience.

Twitter ILL Manors 

The twitter feed for Ill Manors hasn't been updated since 17/01/13. The last post talked about how people are able to win a copy of Ill Manors and how one of the institution which played a part in the success of Ill Manors is celebrating their 15 year anniversary. There were no hastag visible on the ILL manors page however, on Plan B's twitter he has used in his BIO '#IllManors' therefore, creating synergy between his musical career and his director career. Hastags weren't used in the actual tweets however, used in the images provided for the followers in order to show the hype and promotion for Ill Manors. Pictures such as people lining up for the release of Ill Manors DVD/ album at Oxford Streets HMV, built a hype for the actual video including a promotional method. The pictures of other people purchasing Plan B's movie allows others to view that they are purchasing it therefore, they would feel the need to purchase the movie themselves. One of the tweets used to promote Ill manors in 2012 was when they had posted a image of an review of the movie album. The tweet showed the article and also it was mentioned that it has received 5 stars for the quality of the movie. Therefore, reassuring the audience that's it's a album that's worth purchasing. It also gives the audience a insight of what the movie may contain due to the fact that the album has already received 5 stars. Another tweet that was used in order for the promotion for Ill Manors was the Tag London campaign with the image of the London campaign. The campaign took place between the 19th - 22nd of July. It consist of twitter followers to hastag '#ILLMANORS' and then graffiti artists with 'tag' the tweets around the London Skyline. This was a good promotional method in order to attract an ensure that the audience is taking part in the campaign. Also it includes the audience of Ill Manors. 

Facebook - ILL Manors 

The Facebook page for Ill Manors has had 30,15 likes on the official page. The top of the page promotes the movie Ill Manors is promoted through the header of the page. It contains an image of Ill Manors with the DVD saying now available, on demand etc. On the page for Ill Manors we're able to witness a great deal of promotions/competitions. One of them is a image/poster informing people that the industry are recruiting new talent. Therefore, this links with Plan B's method of educating and how to get youngsters off the streets. He further explained it at his TEDx Lecture leading up to the build up of the official release of Ill Manors. Also there is promotion of Revolver Entertainment which are the distributors of the Plan B's movie Ill Manors. In addition, another promotional method was used in order to still create hype for Ill Manors. Furthermore, there is a poster of the Brit Awards 2013 and it says on it that Ill Manors has been nominated for two award. This shows the success and the hard work Plan B has put into Ill Manors in order for it to be nominated. Same as the Twitter post the Facebook post of Tag London is followed with the same prince able is followed through the campaign of Ill Manors online. 

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