Title - The title of the front cover magazine is "THE DAY OF THE DOCTOR" and the main headlining title is "Doctor Who". The title "Doctor Who" has a futurist feel to it from the font used and the color that is projected within the text. The grey/metallic color used contributes to the futuristic theme of doctor who. The title is placed behind the characters in the central image indicating that the audience are familiar with the Doctor Who brand as they only need to view the characters in order to identify that it's a Doctor Who magazine.
Slogan - The slogan is a catchy short sentence which correlates with the magazine. The slogan for this is the day of the doctor". This sums up what the magazine will predominantly be about what the 'Doctor' is viewing in a sense and predominately be about how he as a character views situations etc. The slogan is one of the most appealing/eye catching piece o text on the magazine.
Central Image - The central image is of three characters from the doctor who series. Therefore, indicate that they are of importance. The lighting in the background contributes to this as it allows the characters to stand out predominantly in the magazine cover. The character in the middle is projected in a sense as he has the most power and that he is in a reign whereas, the other characters in the background aren't.
Cover Lines - The cover line that is used in this magazine is 'The doctors past come back to haunt him'. This links with the central image as there are the other two previous doctors in the doctor who series. Indicating that they are hear to haunt the current doctor or their is something else overall coming to haunt these three doctors.
Free Offer - We are able to witness free offers which are placed around the magazine for instance, 9 downloads of doctor who adventures, 12 anniversary art cards, win blu ray CD's etc. By offering multiple competitions and give a ways it allows consumers to continuously by the magazine and contribute to loyalty toward the doctor who brand/series as they have a lot to offer for their fans who purchase the magazine.
Color Scheme - The color scheme used in the doctor who magazine is limited it seems more natural and simple in a sense. The colors are simple and relevantly dull. Therefore, linking to the way the characters have placed themselves and in the way that they are dressed. The character's aren't very appealing however, play and extensive part in the series of doctor who. The dark dull color used conveys a mysterious atmosphere contributing to doctor who's genre and actual theme back story
Language - The language on the front cover would need to correlate and link with the audience of Doctor Who as if it didn't then consumers wouldn't feel a connection between the magazine and them self. Using jargon that is used in the programs will ensure that the large gathering of Doctor Who fans will purchase the magazine furthermore, they would be able to identify bit and pieces whereas, other may not. In addition, it allows them just only to specifically target their own gathering not anyone else who doesn't watch it.
The Real Target Audience - I think that the Doctor who souvenir magazine is targeting 15 - 45 year old. I believe that their is a large target audience to this program due to the fact that it has been running for many years. Therefore, 'hardcore' old fans who grew up with it may probably still watch it do date. I believe the target audience starts from 15 year old due to the fact that it follows a science fiction story that isn't very common in programs as such today.
Bar Code, Date and Print - The bar code, date and print is essential for a magazine to have these three commercial selling. The date will be beneficial to an individual that has been collecting the doctor who magazines over a long period of time in order to build their collection and continue on with it.
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