Thursday, 27 February 2014

Mock Exam

WWW - Well Written answer, especially Q3 Representation
EBI - Add a paragraph to Q4
          You don't explain 'why' by talking about the techniques used.

Grade - C-

Question 4 - Media Audiences

Last Added Paragraph to Q4 of Media Audiences 

In the clip for  Embrace life by Sussex safer roads it had appealed to a large gathering of audience. The clip for safer roads had appealed to a large audience due to the fact that there were no age limits of the audience. Each member of the family had a focus upon them. the child shown in the safer roads advertisement breaks the target audience barrier therefore, by adding a child it appeals to a wider audience including children at the same time. In addition, this media text appeals to main streamer due to the fact that the family follows brands that well known and have a large and popular gathering. Also it hold stereotypical family values. By showing a white middle class family it enables the audience to understand what there lifestyle is like. Therefore, it's a short way of communicating in order for the audience to know what type of family they're like and what lifestyle the share and have. This theory is mention by Perkins as 'stereotypes are used in order to have a short communication for the audience of the product'. .Moreover, it was given a large platform the Internet. In order to target and 'viral' attract inform and educate their audience about safer roads. The internet has no age restrictions similar to the actual advertisement of the Sussex safer roads as it has no further target audience.

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Plan B Print Texts : Interviews

Men's Health Interview 

I would say that the target audience for the Men's Health magazine for Plan B's interview is primarily C2/D/E demographics specifically for this interview due to the fact that it's more of an insight into plan B not into the movie there for high classes that may know about Plan B's movie may not find this text appealing. I would say aspires would read this text due to the fact that they may aspire to get fit and healthy like plan B. The platform of the interview of Mens Health is being used in order to motivate others who are de-motivated in order to lose weight therefore, witnessing a star that individuals may look up too they may be motivated in order to be like plan b and loss weight. The article of Plan B for men's health entertains in a sense due to the fact that the language that plan b uses during the interview. he isn't hesitant with the language he uses in. furthermore, it informs the audience in the way that they should loss weight as it's essential for them to do. There is a platform for individuals to take part and participate in as they're able to add comments about whether they enjoyed the article etc. In addition,  narrative is used in the text as we witness Plan B talking about how he cut his alcohol consumption and then became fit. Where is strolls/walks in the parks gradually started to become runs in the park. Then the weight went away and he came much fitter than before. As a person overall he feels more better and fitter whereas, before he didn't as much.

Q Magazine 

I would say that the target audience for the Q magazine interview are those who are continuously following plan B and how are fans of him. Again aspires/ explores will be targeted more towards them. The demographic following for this interview I would say is C1 or C2 below. The interview is fairly causal however, talks about how Plan B wanted to create a controversial track again in order "get under peoples skin". Therefore, this is entertains those who are viewing it in a sense as they get a sense of excitement as Plan B is going against authority. For the interview for Q magazine their is a section where individuals are able to put down their personal views about the interview. However ,this one in particular no one had given any feedback or any sort of comment. The interview does follow a narrative partner in a sense as plan b had stopped making controversial music and then he done it again however, it managed to reach the charts and topped no 1. Therefore, it follows a narrative pattern in a sense as at first no one listened to the music that was controversial at first however, now they have done and it's done relatively well in the marketing and charts overall in the United Kingdom.

Guardian Interview

I would say that the target audience for this interview of plan b interview are those who want to know about plan B so a demographic of B below. Fans of Plan B would like to know why he started music and his background growing up. The Interview is full on interview about Plan B's life story it's and in depth about his up's and downs from the start till now. The article informs the audience of what has been happening in plan B's life and the way he has succeeded over the last few years. The article doesn't allow the audience to interact as in adding comments however, allows them to share the actual article via twitter.

Shortlist Interview

The short-list interview is again similar to the other target audience mentioned. Again its more towards critic in a sense however, Plan B's fans. The demographic for those willing to read the text will be C2/ D .The text is more of a relaxed interview where we again see Plan B use language that is inappropriate however, he still uses it suggesting he doesn't care at all what people think about him. The interview is relatively entertaining due to the fact that he talks about the experiences he has gone through during the process of producing ill manors. Furthermore, it's relatively a relax interview as he seems to be fairly open with the language used including in the way he's projecting himself. The platform allows the audience to take part into and contribute as they have an 'add comment' section where individuals can give their say about the article of Plan B's interview. Narrative is used in the story for instance, we see plan B having a problem as he hasn't slept in 48 hours then he had a tour to do. furthermore, he lived on alcohol and red bull of the period of time during that period of time he was 'smashed' through the lack of sleep he had. however, in the end he preformed well and done what he needed to with the influence of alcohol. In addition, he told another story about how a guy was trying to get his girl friend to sleep with plan B. Plan B found her relativity attractive and gave the example of the devil on one shoulder and on the other an angle telling him not to sleep with her. In the end he morally did the right decisions and didn't sleep with one of his fans girlfriends.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Letter to Plan B

Dear Ben Drew,

First of all I would like to say congratulations on the success of your movie ill manors and the soundtrack. Over the last past few months we have been studying in our media class about your movie Ill manors. We have watched and read upon many articles about you and the movie. We would love as a media department and school if you're able to come to our school (Greenford High School) in the up coming months prior to our controlled assessment. We would find it extremely beneficial if you were to come and talk to us about ill manors and you political view generally.

Interview -

How long have you been acting for? 

It all started when I was around year 6. I was part of our final year production and ever since then I've continued on and never looked back in an acting career. I feel really privilege to be the main character in a show such as 'The Carnage' the show is completely different to what viewers are going to witness. Let's hope that they like the acting that I've done in it too.

What's your thoughts of The Carnage? 

The carnage is a hell is a hell of a story. If the audience thinks that the starting was bad ... wait on until the series progresses. The story overall is really really eye opening in a sense and gruesome. It's literally going to be a full on blood shed of different characters as the story progresses.  The carnage is like a family behind the scenes one of the directors are my closest mates since I was 3 years old and I couldn't turn down the offer after reading the script. I felt as if I could pull this off ... no pressure.

What is it like working with a new director on the scene? 

To be honest it's really cool working with some who's new on the scene especially in directing. Daniel is one creative director alongside his team Rohail and Manraj together they have created something that has blown my mind away the way they've used bits from movies and so on is clever. Massive thank you to all three of them.

What does the future hold for you? 

In the coming future i hope to work on a British movie then moving on to Hollywood. I dream big, I think big. Currently The Carnage will run for six series so i'm honestly looking forward to the filming yet to come for it. For The Carnage I really do hope that we get nominated for an award for best series etc later on to come because the amount of work going into this is just mad.

Title - The title of the front cover magazine is "THE DAY OF THE DOCTOR" and the main headlining title is "Doctor Who". The title "Doctor Who" has a futurist feel to it from the font used and the color that is projected within the text. The grey/metallic color used contributes to the futuristic theme of doctor who. The title is placed behind the characters in the central image indicating that the audience are familiar with the Doctor Who brand as they only need to view the characters in order to identify that it's a Doctor Who magazine. 

Slogan -  The slogan is a catchy short sentence which correlates with the magazine. The slogan for this is the day of the doctor". This sums up what the magazine will predominantly be about what the 'Doctor' is viewing in a sense and predominately be about how he as a character views situations etc.  The slogan is one of the most appealing/eye catching piece o text on the magazine. 

Central Image - The central image is of three characters from the doctor who series. Therefore, indicate that they are of importance. The lighting in the background contributes to this as it allows the characters to stand out predominantly in the magazine cover. The character in the middle is projected in a sense as he has the most power and that he is in a reign whereas, the other characters in the background aren't. 

Cover Lines  -  The cover line that is used in this magazine is 'The doctors past come back to haunt him'. This links with the central image as there are the other two previous doctors in the doctor who series. Indicating that they are hear to haunt the current doctor or their is something else overall coming to haunt these three doctors. 

Free Offer -  We are able to witness free offers which are placed around the magazine for instance, 9 downloads of doctor who adventures, 12 anniversary art cards, win blu ray CD's etc. By offering multiple competitions and give a ways it allows consumers to continuously by the magazine and contribute to loyalty toward the doctor who brand/series as they have a lot to offer for their fans who purchase the magazine. 

Color Scheme -  The color scheme used in the doctor who magazine is limited it seems more natural and simple in a sense. The colors are simple and relevantly dull. Therefore, linking to the way the characters have placed themselves and in the way that they are dressed. The character's aren't very appealing however, play and extensive part in the series of doctor who. The dark dull color used conveys a mysterious atmosphere contributing to doctor who's genre and actual theme back story

Language -  The language on the front cover would need to correlate and link with the audience of Doctor Who as if it didn't then consumers wouldn't feel a connection between the magazine and them self. Using jargon that is used in the programs will ensure that the large gathering of Doctor Who fans will purchase the magazine furthermore, they would be able to identify bit and pieces whereas, other may not. In addition, it allows them just only to specifically target their own gathering not anyone else who doesn't watch it. 

The Real Target Audience -  I think that the Doctor who souvenir magazine is targeting 15 - 45 year old. I believe that their is a large target audience to this program due to the fact that it has been running for many years. Therefore, 'hardcore' old fans who grew up with it may probably still watch it do date. I believe the target audience starts from 15 year old due to the fact that it follows a science fiction story that isn't very common in programs as such today.

Bar Code, Date and Print -  The bar code, date and print is essential for a magazine to have these three commercial selling. The date will be beneficial to an individual that has been collecting the doctor who magazines over a long period of time in order to build their collection and continue on with it. 

Print Research/ Planning Task

I have chosen this front cover due to the fact it will appeal to the target audience we will be predominate be targeting which is 17 - 35 year old. From that age range image is an essential part therefore, this magazine will do justice to those reading it. One particular part of the magazine that stands out to me is the lighting/gradient used for the image of Drake. This technique can be used in my magazine as I want to ensure that from the image shown there is a gloomy effect in order to contribute to the genre of the sequence I will be producing which is a thriller opening sequence.

I have chosen this front cover due to the fact that it will appeal to the target audience of my show. The image used of is rapper Jay Z. At the bottom of the magazine it say "How Jay Z Became King Of America". The sub heading used I will be adapting to my magazine for instance, Meet (main character) page 2. As the sequence we will be producing is for a 'new' show it's best to have a sub heading of introducing your character. Therefore, contributing to the double page spread in a sense.

I have chosen this front cover due to the fact it may appeal to females that watch our show and to those that watch E4 programs. In the front cover of this magazine their is a lot going on which wouldn't be happening in my front cover. In the top right hand corner of the magazine their is a competition where those who purchase the magazine are able to get free cocktails. In my magazine cover I won't be running a competition as such however, a competition where someone is able to win a free I phone etc. I will be ensure a I phone or some sort of technology is given away due to the fact that technology is a highly valued by that specif target audience therefore, it's best to use technology in competition as such.

I have chosen this front cover as Wiz Khalifa is an artist that will appeal to the target audience of 16 - 35 year olds. The front cover shows a close up of Wiz Khalifa which I would like to adapt to my magazine front cover. I would like to have a close up picture of my protagonist due to the fact to show his 'sinister' facial expression for the front cover. Therefore, contributing to the atmosphere conveyed during the front page. In addition, this will work well with a gradient used in order to dim down the colors slightly and give a life less thriller type of image. 

Monday, 10 February 2014

ILL Manors Radio One Interview

During the interview of Plan B on Radio One BBC plan B had covered how he has been hardworking over the last past months due to the lead up and stress of his movie 'Ill Manors'. HE had covered how no one had given him much support as first but now he does have a good group of directors and co workers around him. In addition, he had talked about how he is looking forward to a future in director many more movies. Plan B has said he is "playing God in a positive way" this suggests that even though the representation of council are negative he is showing a positive due to the fact he's showing the reality of what people under those circumstances go through on a daily basis or what is happening in their surroundings. Plan B had made a track which is the title track of the movie Ill Manors. He had talked about how he 'sampled' Peter Fox's track (German Hip Hop Artist). During this interview we witness BBC Radio One educated, informed and entertained their audience who are viewing the interview. BBC One's main target audience are predominantly the youth from the age range of 16 - 34. In addition, we can say it's targeted towards main streamers. Plan B had promoted himself as a hero. We are able to witness this from the way he talks about continuously talks how he tries to get kids of the street and puts them in a acting career. He had also given an example of one of the characters in the movie Ill Manors how he had taken him in and progressed him in his acting career. Radio One had played Plan B's own track for the movie Ill Manors and named it "the hottest track currently". BBC One are a radio station that use a radio playlist. The radio playlist ensures that they keep and continuously target a specific audience.

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Progress Report

Individual - WWW - I've started my editing and filmed well over the weekend. I have a rough idea of what I would want to contain in my front cover

EBI - I need to complete the work that is set for Monday about the print side work.

Group - WWW - Filmed all on the weekend (1st and 2nd February)
EBI - We just need to finish editing and get our photo shoot done which will be completed on the 7th of February.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

ill Manors - Synergy
1.) Key Features of ill manors website -

Ben Drew
Buy Now

The use of these nine categories allows the audience to view all the content of ill manors. The trailer allows people to view what enigmas will take place and what events may take place in the trailer. the trailer allows the audience to get an over view of what may take place including the characters that will be in the movie. The Synopsis allows the audience and viewers of the website to get an understanding of the story. it's like a summary of what events have taken place including a minor back story of the main character. The Ben Drew tab allows people to view a back story of Ben Drew and why he has produced the movie Ill Manors. It gives those an insight in Ben Drew's career before as a rapper and now him creating a path to his movie career. The stills are simply photos of the characters in ill manors so the audience is able to get familiar with them. The videos are of the two main characters and Ben Drew. The videos of the two characters are showing the behind the scenes and themselves introducing the characters. The third video is of Ben Drew's own music video promoting his musical career. The buy now and links tab on the website are simply for the viewers to purchase the movie ill manors. The link is to ill manors twitter page including their own face book page. They clearly state how they run competitions on the pages for their viewers to take part in. Last of all the reactions are of music starts including critics, newspapers and magazine. They had laid out the reactions to be one side of all the musical stars on the left and the others the right. They've laid it out in this manner as viewers who have followed will read the left and hopefully go with the feedback they've seen from stars they potentially look up to as well.

In the interview for the Jonathan Ross show target audience is predominately a high set class of people such as B/C/C1. It show cases on a Saturday and is a typical family show to watch and is show on prime time TV. I also believe this due to the guests on his show who are A-B class Listers in terms of actors. Whereas on the other hand Soccer AM would attract a more C2, D, E viewers as they are more lower class and Soccer Am comes on at Sky1 which is free channel and attracts a lower range of famous people. The psycho graphic group I believe Jonathan Ross would attract mainly mainstreamer as Jonathan Ross comes on at prime time on a Saturday and would attract wide audiences due to the fact of the famous people on the show. On soccer AM I believe it would be mainly footballers and struggler because it is shown at 10AM in the morning and due to the way the show is set out and is not as serious as shows such as Jonathan Ross and people could seek escape from this. I believe the audience appeal would be different on each different show as in Jonathan Ross he speaks in a more serious and political way and watches what he says as he is on a big prime time TV show. However on Soccer AM he is more relaxed and speaks in different type of way as if the presenters are his mates. On the Jonathan Ross show he speaks about society and on Soccer AM he speaks more about his music.

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Ill Manors Research Task

1) Research all the Institutions involved in the production of Ill Manors. List them with a summary of what their contribution to the film was.

The four institutions that were involved in the production of Ill manors were BBC Films, Microwave Film London, Aimimage and Revolver Entertainment. BBC Films provided Ben Drew with funds in order to produce the film ill manors. Microwave Film London also provided Ben Drew with funds for the production of the film Ill Manors. Revolver Entertainment had purchased the distribution rights to the movie Ill Manors. Revolver Entertainment have all together purchased three movies which are all targeted more towards a teenage target audience. Last of all Aimimage was involved in the production of Ill Manors. Aimimage have a studio in North London.

2) How much did Ill Manors cost to produce (its budget)?

The budget for Ill Manors was £100,000 and at the box office it ended up making £453,570.

3) How was Ill Manors funded?
Ill Manors was funded by three studios which were BBC Films, Aimimage and Microwave Film London. BBC Films including Microwave Film London are well known for their low budget British films that they have to offer.
4) What is the target audience for Ill Manors?

As the certificate age for Ill Manors is 18 the target audience will be of 18 year old and older. However, it is likely that those younger than 18 will still continue watching the movie. But as previously mentioned in the behind the scenes of Ill Manors and Ben Drew's own TEDx Lecture. They believe the target audience for this movie isn't only for those that rioted it's for those that didn't to show them what leads people in dysfunctional families and deprived situations to create violence as such. 

5) Who is the main distributor of Ill Manors?

The main distributor of Ill Manors was Revolver Entertainment. Revolver entertainment had brought the distribution rights of Ill Manors in 2011 April. The distribution rights were sold in order to raise funds for the movie. Revolver Entertainment operate in the UK as well as America, LA. 

6) How was Ill Manors promoted using the broadcast platform?

Ill Manors was promoted by three companies one of which was a newspaper. The guardian had promoted Ill Manors on their website on the 3rd of May 2012. Five days later It was unveiled by empire magazine on the 8th of May 2012. Last of all Digital Spy promoted two film posters of Ben Drew's Ill Manors on the 18th of May and 7th of June. Ill Manors premier on the 30th of May 2012 and had be released to 191 cinemas in The United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland.

7) Compare this with a big budget blockbuster. What are the main similarities and differences?

Ill manors is a British made movie similar to Harry Potter. The difference between the both are that Harry Potter is a series inspired by the seven series book whereas, Ill manors is a movie about those in deprived situations and their pathway into crime. The first Harry Potter movie had a low budget similar to Ill Manors as Ill Manors had a budget of £100,000. Ill Manors follows a genre of thriller, drama and crime whereas, Harry Potter is a fantasy movie. Furthermore, they both follow a similar type of plot for instance, Harry had never seen his parents similar to the character Aaron. They both came from deprived circumstances and follow struggles of life not knowing much about their parents. In the end they over come what has happened and move on into a new better life where they won't be tormented by the past they lived in before.

8) How does the trailer for Ill Manors hook audiences into the narrative and pose questions that the film will answer (Barthes: enigma codes)? Identify 3 ways/techniques. Use your notes on the trailer to help.
Ill manors uses a variety of cliff hangers in order to keep the audience interested. The uses of many characters in the trailer indicated that there is a large sum of tension throughout the trailer. furthermore, the face pace editing contributes to the tension built up.
10) Think about the certificate of Ill Manors (18 certificate). Research film certification and outline what is deemed acceptable for this certificate. What is the difference between a 15 certificate and an 18 certificate?
18 certificate shows strong violence, sexual activity, strong use of horror and blood. furthermore, real sex is used as we are able to witness this in Ill Manors. Most 15 certificates have moderate violence including gore and sexual activity but they are moderate.